Today I read an awesome and vulnerable blog post by author and speaker, Michele Cushatt, who shares about shining her faith to those who don’t yet believe. Yesterday, my husband told me he heard Dave Ramsey shine on his radio show that reaches a large secular audience. Ramsey recently interviewed an actor friend who played in the new box office hit, War Room. (Awesome movie, by the way. It shines!) [box] Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3[/box] Christians …
Rush of Heaven
One crippled woman. One astounding Christmas Eve Miracle. Thousands of lives changed. Two years ago this January I started interviewing Ema McKinley to write her amazing true miracle story, Rush of Heaven: One Woman’s Miraculous Encounter with Jesus. Many of you graciously prayed me through this long writing labor. Thank you! The baby arrived in October and I’m pleased to say Rush of Heaven is alive and well, scoring high on the Apgar scale. Smile. Without doubt, God is all the wow in this book. He has been my teacher, helper, and counselor from day one. And every day, he …
Beautifully Illogical
When it comes to prayer, we’ve all been struck by hardballs of disappointment. And when we don’t see results, we’re tempted to lower our expectations, hopes, and dreams. After all, what if God doesn’t come through the next time? I’d better protect my heart and accept my circumstances the way they are. Do you hear that whisper? Where does it come from? It comes from the spirit of fear who wants to keep us from believing the God of miracles. God is bigger than our disappointments, fears, and present situations. IF God can do anything, he can surely move …
Raging Seas
Shaken Heart Waves ride high, licking the sides of your boat, toppling inside. Water deepens, clawing tightness in your chest. Jesus had snatched this boat at the end of a long, crowd-saturated day, so he could reach the other side of the sea. With Jesus asleep now, you feel abandoned. Must you and your friends battle this storm by yourselves? In a howling gust, your boat couldn’t be more tossed and you know you’re going to drown. What in the world? Shouldn’t Jesus at least see this mess he threw you into? Winds roar so loud you can hardly hear …
Press On Strong
As many of you know, I’m working on a new book that will release with Zondervan next year: Jesus in my Room At least that’s what it’s called for now. We’ll see if they change it or not. Have you ever worked on something where you continually feel that streeeetch of the soul? Then you know how I feel. Sometimes I wish I could order a little more trust and patience. Maybe press the “buy with one click” button on Amazon. Here’s me talking to myself again: [box] Did God call you to do this? Yes. Absolutely. Well, if he …